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Spinney Timetables

Here is our Autumn term-time timetable for the Peterborough branch. If you would like any further information about any of these activities, or activities being held at other branches, please email, visit our Facebook Group, or call 01733 262226.

Our Autumn timetable will commence from September 9th. 

Booking Links...

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Breakfast club

Messy Play

Finance Asdan Qualification

Environmental club 

Breakfast Club

Themed Freeplay 

Cooking Club and Tea 

Breakfast club

Quilting Club 


Autumn Arts and Crafts and Tea 

Breakfast club

Story Time 

Sports Club 

Paw Print Badge Club and Tea 

Youth Club 

Breakfast club

Boogie with Us!

Coffee and Support 

Lego Club and Tea