Our Impact
Without Little Miracles thousands of families with children who have additional needs, disabilities and life-limiting conditions would feel more isolated, excluded and scared.
Parents often refer to Little Miracles as a 'lifeline', a place where they can access the support they need, when they need it. The childcare team plan and deliver inclusive, accessible activities for the whole family to enjoy in an environment where nobody is judged, and where everyone is welcome and genuinely happy to support each other.
"Today is the first day back to school after the holidays . I can honestly say I feel so blessed as I look back over the summer and the time I have spent with K at Little Miracles simply having fun, finding peace and making special memories. For K Little Miracles is most definitely one of her very favourite places to come. She is so welcomed there and surrounded by love and encouragement from the staff and volunteers and simply made to feel like a true Princess !
The staff will always try to make any activity accessible for K and make her feel included. K absolutely loves the garden and going on the accessible equipment which is so important for her development.
For me Little Miracles really is a place of peace which may sound crazy as it's often so loud there. I just know it's a place where K and I are always welcomed and supported and sitting in the beautiful garden just makes me feel at ease and forget my worries for a while "
Julia started attending the Milton Keynes branch of Little Miracles just after the pandemic. The Little Miracles team help Arthur and his family make memories they can cherish forever:
"Finding Little Miracles came at the perfect time for us. Just out of lockdown, having shielded for almost two years, I felt a little lost. I’m a solo mum so at times having two children with such differing needs is daunting.
The charity has provided the opportunity for us to have some lovely days out, to socialise with other families whose children have disabilities of one shape or another and has helped me with accessing the best support for Arthur. When we had to go in to hospital for an operation I received lots of emotional support from Little Miracles as I really struggle with PTSD around hospital stays. Arthur had a very tricky start in life and continues to be ‘interesting’ medically. He has a complex heart condition which affects his daily life and always will. His condition is considered terminal.
Everything they can do for him increases his quality of life and gives him time but we don’t have forever so making memories is very important to us. We love attending the Monday morning sensory sessions and are really looking forward to continuing to make memories with Little Miracles"
The sheer determination of our team has impacted some children's lives almost beyond description.
Alex had been told that by medical experts that he would never be able to walk independently, but after months of perseverance from Michelle he decided to prove the experts wrong!
We have so many wonderful, supportive families who are happy to share their stories and tell others about the difference that Little Miracles has made to their families' lives. Click below to read more about the impact we make and why our families would be disadvantaged if Little Miracles no longer existed.
If you would like to know more about how you can help to ensure that Little Miracles can keep supporting thousands of children every year then please click on the button below or email fundraising@littlemiraclescharity.org.uk.