
Virtual Summer, Real Fun!
What a Summer it has turned out to be! Our sessions have been filled with happy children ready to learn, play and explore. We have had sessions every day from 10 am to 4 pm, with Youth Club making a lovely appearance every weekday at 6pm.
The sessions have been ranging from learning how to write a song with Rapper Xidius Pain, to coordinating a dance with Chloe. The children have learned how to build bird nests, studied history and even had time to bake bread and pie! At the start of the summer holidays we invited families to sign up for the sessions, and then put together a resource box full of supplies that were needed to take part in sessions.
The team then hopped inside the rainbow bus and made deliveries non stop for three full days. We have worked very hard to make summer is as fun and engaging as possible for everyone.
Our customised activity time table hopefully has something everyone can enjoy! Whilst we had our worries about moving away from our traditional face to face activities, our children and young people have taken it in their stride!
Many of the children we support meeting new friends, making new memories and having a lot of fun together. Our whole team has got involved with activities and you can often find our grant writer joining in with dance club and learning to rap! Our aim was to provide a fun-filled setting where everyone is heard and seen, but also supported to work independently in their own home.
It has been lovely to see new families and new children join our sessions and get to know them as they settled in the sessions with everyone. We have had many parents approach us regarding our summer activities and let us know what a positive impact it has had on their families over the Summer Holidays.
The sessions have been ranging from learning how to write a song with Rapper Xidius Pain, to coordinating a dance with Chloe. The children have learned how to build bird nests, studied history and even had time to bake bread and pie! At the start of the summer holidays we invited families to sign up for the sessions, and then put together a resource box full of supplies that were needed to take part in sessions.
The team then hopped inside the rainbow bus and made deliveries non stop for three full days. We have worked very hard to make summer is as fun and engaging as possible for everyone.
Our customised activity time table hopefully has something everyone can enjoy! Whilst we had our worries about moving away from our traditional face to face activities, our children and young people have taken it in their stride!
Many of the children we support meeting new friends, making new memories and having a lot of fun together. Our whole team has got involved with activities and you can often find our grant writer joining in with dance club and learning to rap! Our aim was to provide a fun-filled setting where everyone is heard and seen, but also supported to work independently in their own home.
It has been lovely to see new families and new children join our sessions and get to know them as they settled in the sessions with everyone. We have had many parents approach us regarding our summer activities and let us know what a positive impact it has had on their families over the Summer Holidays.
"One day during the early stages of lockdown I was scrolling through Facebook and stumbled across Little Miracles. Being a single mother to my wonderful son, Lucas, Lockdown was very hard for me, how was I going to continue to keep my child entertained in a different way each day? How would I help him keep stimulated in a different way every day? I completed their contact form and got to speak with Jill, one of the wonderful volunteers at Little Miracles Peterborough.
Thanks to Little Miracles Summer Activities "Make Summer Pop" Lucas has been able to participate in various different sessions, he especially enjoys the cooking ones! I take my hat off to the Childcare workers. I have already had access to so much support, not just the sessions for my son but counselling and family support. We can't wait for the Centre to open so we get to meet all these amazing people face to face." - Yasmine, Parent Several parents took to social media posting pictures of their children participating in the sessions, below is a snippet of one entry. "Thank you Little Miracles Charity today has been awesome!!! Music/Musical instruments, Dance, Minecraft, Sensory, Storytime, all from our living room! Friendship, fun, smiles and laughter. x Michelle King." To see the whole post click on one of our Social media accounts!
Thanks to Little Miracles Summer Activities "Make Summer Pop" Lucas has been able to participate in various different sessions, he especially enjoys the cooking ones! I take my hat off to the Childcare workers. I have already had access to so much support, not just the sessions for my son but counselling and family support. We can't wait for the Centre to open so we get to meet all these amazing people face to face." - Yasmine, Parent Several parents took to social media posting pictures of their children participating in the sessions, below is a snippet of one entry. "Thank you Little Miracles Charity today has been awesome!!! Music/Musical instruments, Dance, Minecraft, Sensory, Storytime, all from our living room! Friendship, fun, smiles and laughter. x Michelle King." To see the whole post click on one of our Social media accounts!