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Sibson Airfield Parachute Jump- 29th July 2019

Have you got a bucket list? If so I wonder if jumping out of a plane is on their? Many of us have it as a pie in the sky type item that we think we will do it one day and then put it to the back of our minds. However skydiving is easier than you think to achieve, will conquer your fears and make you feel amazing! Add in the adrenalin of jumping at 13,000 feet and the perfect calmness and how beautiful the world is as you float back down why would you not want to?

If nothing else think of the selfies!

You have the opportunity to experience this whilst also enabling local disabled children to have a summer they will never forget.

On the 29th July we are working Sibson airfield UK who are affiliated to the British Parachute Association. All instructors are highly trained and very experienced to ensure you experience a safe, enjoyable time. On the day you will undergo a training session designed to keep you safe before boarding an aircraft that reaches around 13,000 feet in a parachute designed for two people. You will fall at around 120 mph descending to 5,000 feet before your instructor opens the parachute. It’ll then take around 6 minutes to reach the ground.

Even more exciting is if you raise £300 then we will pay for the jump for you! So what are you waiting for complete the details in this link for more details and to have a once in a life time experience.