Fergus and Jess' Story

“Fergus was born with a very rare condition which means that he has severe physical and learning disabilities. It was such a shock when we found out, we had been in intensive care with him for two weeks but up until we were about to leave hospital we thought he was fine.
The consultant had never heard of 3P Deletion Syndrome before, she did some research and gave us some information to look at but we were scared and really didn’t know what to expect.
Over the next 5 years we would be into hospital numerous times. In the last 2 years we have only spent a total of 4 months at home. Our family have been so supportive, they have learned what Fergus needs so that when we are at home I can have a few moments to myself but it is still exhausting and I am worried all the time.
Last Christmas we nearly lost Fergus twice. We had to take it in turns to call the family and tell them that he had taken a turn for the worse. You would think that being told that Fergus may not make it so many times that you would get used to it, that it would get easier. But it doesn’t, it gets harder every time.
Little Miracles have been lovely and helped in so many ways. Whether it’s introducing me to new families who are in the same boat, bringing boxes of goodies to cheer us up in hospital or making sure that we get all the financial help we are entitled to, they are always there when we need them. During lockdown they gave us so much support, they made sure that the extremely vulnerable kids had a safe place to go and that as parents we were never on our own.
Little Miracles also helps us financially when they can. Fergus’ dad, Chris, works really hard to try keep us above water but we have to go to hospital in Leicester and he can only visit us at the weekends. He also needs to be at home to look after Fergus’ brother. Costs add-up so quickly, even just petrol and food. I spend most nights when Fergus is in hospital sleeping in a chair next to him in case he needs me but sometimes, when Chris is around, I’ve been so exhausted that Little Miracles have paid for me to stay in a B&B so I can get some sleep.
We don’t know what the future holds for Fergus but we do know that when things get tough Little Miracles will be super-supportive and will make things that little bit easier. They really are a lifeline for lots of families like mine”