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Thank You Odiri Tax Consultants And Accountants

Odiri Tax Consultants & Accountants have given a therapeutic lifeline to disabled children in Peterborough and beyond thanks to their amazing Team 500KM Walk Challenge For Disabled Children. In the months of June and July 2021, the team has managed to raise an incredible £3048 and they're not done yet - they're coming into the final two weeks of their challenge and they need your support to meet their £5000 target. This generous donation will pay for over 300 one to one play sessions for children like Libby.

Libby has Bohring Optiz Syndrome, a rare condition that affects the individual's growth and development. Libby’s mum, Kirsty, told us: “Both Libby & myself enjoyed our one to one play sessions at Little miracles. We felt relaxed, safe & at ease which was a huge relief after so long shielding & worrying about COVID. A fantastic range of play suited specifically for Libby’s needs, sensory stories, messy play, music & singing & our personal favourite sensory massage. I learned so many new techniques & skills to enable me to engage more with Libby when playing together. Exploring with the sensory stories was amazing, seeing Libby react in even the smallest of ways was such a joy & the excitement but also calmness in her expressions during sensory massage was heartwarming.”



In order for us to provide as many children as we can with these experiences, we rely on your fundraising and donations. Even the smallest donation can go a really long way to helping these kids be kids.

Please get in touch with us today if you would like to help us help children like Libby get the childhood they deserve. Or, if you would like to help Odiri Tax Consultants & Accountants reach their £5000 target, and help children like Libby click here for their JustGiving Page.

To find out more about Odiri Tax Consultants click here