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October Half Term!

October half term is finally upon us, and that means, the busiest and craziest time of the year for Little Miracles. Fortunately, we have lots of weird and wonderful events planned for the children to enjoy.

Starting the week off is Sublime science!


This is a wonderful event led by an external provider which involves a whole range of weird and wacky science based experiments and activities. Each session lasts for an hour and fifteen minutes, and allows children to really get involved with practical activities.

Tuesday is Arts and crafts day…with a twist. As it is Halloween soon, we thought we would mix up this session by making lots of spooky, wonderful decorations. On Wednesday, we are travelling to the amazing Wick steed park!  Here the children can run around, go on rides and generally just roam the park. It’s going to be a fun filled day for all.

Thursday, we are once again getting involved with lots of arts and crafts, making more decorations for our Halloween party on Friday! Finally, as you may have guessed, we’re hosting a Halloween party for all of our children involved. We’re expecting a massive turn out so it’s guaranteed to a fun filled, spooky night for all.