Meet Reda

Ever wonder who the lady in the office is? Everyone meet Reda who has been with us for about 2 1/2 years now
“My name is Reda and I am the Finance Officer at Little Miracles. When I first saw the job advertised at Little Miracles I knew I wanted to work here, even if the idea was slightly intimidating. I already knew the incredible work that the charity did so I was very nervous to start working with such a passionate team. All my fears disappeared as soon as I met all the children and their parents. I understood that they truly are miracles and that no matter what troubles they go through they always have a smile on their faces. These families and their children are amazing- they have changed my life forever.
The first child I met was a little boy with downs syndrome and a lot of other issues with his health. He grabbed me by the hand to show me what he was doing, asking if I would play with him and be his friend. It was such a lovely feeling to know that just giving him a little bit of my time meant so much to him. Nowadays, before the crisis, he would come and see myself and my colleagues in the office to say hello or to show us something he has made with our incredible childcare team.
Little Miracles is such an amazing place for families and their children. They care about everyone without any exceptions. Night or day, rain or shine, staff and volunteers will run to rescue our families to get them the help they need and are entitled to. In this harsh period, members of staff and volunteers arrange food deliveries to families in need, supporting as much as they can. Even my son has joined me to deliver food and essential medication to families. It makes you feel special to see first hand how far your support goes to help out a family in need. Little Miracles truly is a special place for everyone.”