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How we supported children like Adam* during Covid 19

During the Covid 19 pandemic Little Miracles was still here for the children and families who needed us.

Below, one of our childcare team talked about the difficulties faced by families accessing support at that time and assured them that we were still there for them when they needed us most.

"It can be difficult to get the support you and your family needs at the best of times and the challenges we've all faced in the past few months may have been the hardest yet. Families have been isolated from the support networks they rely on, and from one another, at the worst possible time - where support networks like Little Miracles are needed the most.

We have been working hard over this lock-down period to provide the high-quality services families need, when they need it, but at a distance. With 77% of our children being in the shielded category, it is crucial that families can still have their voices heard and be connected to one another. Everything you need from Little Miracles is still available online: our online community, advice, family support services, counselling, and even childcare activities.

Little Miracles is a safe haven for children like Adam*. Adam has delayed speech; he finds it difficult to make himself understood and to make friends in usual settings. He was struggling to cope in everyday situations and it was very stressful for him and his family.

This all changed when he came to Little Miracles at The Spinney. Here he found friends that were different just like him, and where people of all ages were understanding and patient - they wanted to hear what he had to say. Adam was nervous at first, but over time, he began to initiate conversations and learnt new, non-verbal ways to communicate. His experiences at Little Miracles have empowered him to come out of his shell elsewhere too, but most importantly, he is happy"

*not his real name