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Little Miracles - Under the looking glass.

We found them - Little Miracles Charity.

Often, we all ask for miracles in our home and work life, but we were wonderfully surprised to find ‘Little Miracles’ on our doorstep, not just helping one person but a vast number of children, families and carers in the local community.

As you can imagine we were keen to learn more. Who are they? What do they offer? - What activities can families look forward to? Is there training available?

Little Miracles is a charity supporting children (from before birth to 25 years) with additional needs, disabilities and life-limiting conditions along with their families and carers.
Support comes in lots of forms:
- Collecting and delivering food and prescriptions
- Offering benefits advice
- Counselling & bereavement care
- Fun and education through play therapy and sensory work
And a whole lot more on a day-to-day basis!

Getaway and support for everyone utilising:
- Holiday, after-school and youth clubs
- Those all-important trips, days out, sports activities and holidays, as well as respite
- Mother and baby groups
- Sports activities.

When you are a carer or have a life-limiting condition there are limited opportunities for training and employment, so Little Miracles offers:
- help to get in or back into paid employment
- for children not in traditional forms of education

Where does all this excellent work take place? How can people can find out more about the amazing work ‘Little Miracles’ offers? Education support is also available via:
- accredited learning for over 19-year olds
- educational lessons
- help to arrange curriculums and education for families In our safe places:
- They can be found in 14 sites across Peterborough or within 90 minutes travel time (approx.)
For example, we have
- A fully adapted caravan for the families to have holidays
- A sensory room in Peterborough’s shopping mall You can book a visit to use the sensory room via their website.

Visit the website - Email Call their helpline on (01733) 262226