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St Ives - Huntingdonshire

Families in St Ives, Huntingdonshire have expressed an interest in opening a branch of Little Miracles in the local area.

They have recognised that some of the services detailed below are lacking for families that have children with additional needs, disabilities and life-limiting conditions where they live.

Whilst some of these services are already offered by Little Miracles online we know through experience that coming together, sharing experiences and participating in activities can help us connect with other families in similar situations and reduce feelings of isolation.

Our physical branches allow this to happen.  They usually start as small groups led by trained volunteers who organise regular sessions and events that families can attend, often somewhere like a church hall or soft play centre. As a branch grows and develops it might undertake more complex activities, hire permanent staff and deliver services like counselling or family support.

We are there to support new branches every step of the way until its team become fully-fledged members of the Little Miracles family.  

Can you help us build a Little Miracles community in St Ives, Huntingdonshire?

To build our new branch, we need:

- Five Founding Members (currently 5 / 5)

Founder Members are volunteers who spread the word and help get everything up and running.  You do not need any particular skills as full training is provided.



- 100 Interested Families (currently 49 / 100)

Before we start running physical activities for families we need to know that there is enough demand to run them.  

By completing this quick form you will be kept up to date with developments in your area and be invited to our groups when they are up and running.


- An Initial Location

We need an easily accessible location for families to meet and where children can play safely. 

- Local Communication

We need everyone to know that Little Miracles is coming to town! You can help by spreading the word with friends, family, on social media and connecting us with any local press or media contacts you may have.

What will happen next?